Vinyl edition is a Series 33 release, limited to 33 copies.
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The album echos the sincerity of the the band’s origin. Shearer, Selzer and Farah began writing and recording songs at Portland’s Type Foundry with no commercial ambitions. They simply wanted to take shelter from the chaos of touring and make music together. Ensconced by friendship and solitude, the trio’s shared sensibility to embrace their love for roots folk music has created a beautiful and compelling album. The flowing harmonies of Shearer, Selzer and Farah elevate melody to a suspended state. It is the result of how the shape, range and movement of their voices compliment each other. That dynamic shines bright on every track. On songs like ‘A House a Home’, ‘I Swear I Saw You’ and ‘Closer Than I Should’, the band creates rich layers of sound with sparse instrumentation. The capacity to actualize such lush, voluminous, sound can likely be traced to Selzer’s skill as a producer and sound engineer. It is refreshing to hear an album that has no trace of affectation or a single moment of self-indulgence. A passion for music and making music is the motive behind Alialujah Choir’s debut. Shearer, Selzer and Farah achieve songs that brim with humanity and an openness that may have closed had their ambitions been anything other than the joy of writing and creating beautiful music.
Laundry Song
Bones Crackin' In
Looking For A Gesture
A House, A House
Way Too Soon
I Swear I Saw You
Play Phone
Closer Than I Should
The Trouble I'm In
Finally Home